智信讲坛第(80)期 On Energy-Harvesting Relay Networks: Full-Duplex and Relay Selection

作者:2016/12/09 04:34



题目:On Energy-Harvesting Relay Networks: Full-Duplex and Relay Selection

报告人:杨柳青 教授



邀请人:  刘庆文 教授


  Dr. Liuqing Yang received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and  Computer Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in  2004. She is presently a Professor with Colorado State University. Her  general interests are in signal processing with applications to  communications, networking and power systems – subjects on which she has  published more than 250 journal and conference papers, 4 book chapters  and 2 books. Dr. Yang became in IEEE Fellow in 2014. She was the  recipient of the ONR Young Investigator Program (YIP) award in 2007, and  the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award in 2009 the  Best Dissertation Award in the Physical Sciences & Engineering from  the University of Minnesota in 2004, the Best Paper Award at the IEEE  ICUWB’06, ICCC’13, ITSC’14, Globecom’14, ICC’16, and WCSP’16. She has  served as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications,  IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on  Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems, and  PHYCOM: Physical Communication, and as program chair, track/symposium or  TPC chair for many conferences.


  Energy harvesting (EH) is regarded as a promising technology to  significantly extend the lifetime of battery-powered devices.  Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) is proposed  to harvest part of the energy carried by the wireless communication  signals and store it for future use. Currently, SWIPT has been  successfully applied to energy-constrained relays that are mainly or  exclusively powered by the energy harvested from the received signals.  These relays are known as EH relays, which attract significant attention  in both the academia and the industry. In this talk, we will first  introduce the characteristics and performance of half-duplex and  full-duplex EH relay networks. Then, we will discuss the power-splitting  (PS) factor optimization in PS-based EH relay networks and present the  impact of the residual self-interference at full-duplex EH relays.  Furthermore, we will focus on the relay selection (RS) problem in EH  relay networks. Both single relay selection (SRS) and general relay  selection (GRS) without the limit on the number of cooperating relays  are investigated and the corresponding RS methods are proposed. We will  show that our proposed heuristic GRS methods outperform the SRS methods  and achieve very similar performance compared with the optimal RS method  achieved by exhaustive search but with dramatically reduced complexity.   
