智信讲坛第(79)期 Robust Image labeling using Conditional Random Fields based Machine Learning

作者:2016/12/09 04:32



题目:Robust Image labeling using Conditional Random Fields based Machine Learning

报告人:Xiao-Ping (Steven) Zhang  

时间:     2016年12月14日上午10:30-11:20am

地点:     403会议室     

邀请人: 黄德双教授

  报告人简介:Xiao-Ping (Steven) Zhang received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees  from Tsinghua University, in 1992 and 1996, respectively, all in  electronic engineering. He holds an MBA in Finance and Economics with  Honors from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He is  now Professor and Director of Communication and Signal Processing  Applications Laboratory (CASPAL), with the Department of Electrical and  Computer Engineering, Ryerson University. He has served as Program  Director of Graduate Studies.  

  内容提要:Multiclass image labeling is a challenging task due to the  limited discriminative power of low-level visual features in describing  the diverse range of high-level visual semantics of objects. Dense  conditional random fields (CRF) have obtained significant progress in  labeling accuracy due to deployment of context information by imposing  image-coherent label consistency and modeling object co-occurrence  statistics. Dense random fields are confined to the success of the  initial unary classifier including deep neural network (DNN) and very  prone to over-smoothing small objects from “thing” classes in the large  pool of pixels from image background. In this talk, we discuss two new  CRF based machine learning models for robust image labeling. First, new  feature functions based on generalized Gaussian mixture models (GGMM)  are designed and their efficacy is investigated. This new model proves  more successful than Gaussian and Laplacian mixture models. Second, we  apply scene level contextual information to integrate global visual  semantics of the image with pixel-wise dense inference of fully  connected CRF to preserve small thing classes and to make dense  inference robust to initial misclassifications of the unary classifier.  Proposed inference algorithm factorizes the joint probability of  labeling configuration and image scene type to obtain prediction update  equations for labeling individual image pixels and also the overall  scene type of the image.  
