

信息来源: 发布日期:2024-10-24 浏览次数:

姓  名 李光耀
职  称 研究员
学  科 计算机科学与技术学科
专  业 计算机科学与技术
研究方向 仿真与多媒体处理
导师类型 博/硕导
联系电话 021-69587942
通讯地址 上海市曹安公路4800号电信大楼


























1、Chen Q, Li G, Xie L, et al. Structure guided image completion using texture synthesis and region segmentation[J]. Optik, 2019, 185: 896-909. (SCI)

2、Chen Q, Li G, Xie L, et al. Structure constrained image completion by geometric transformation model and dynamic patches[J]. Journal of Modern Optics, 2019, 66(7): 786-798. (SCI)

3、Li W, Li G, Yue W, et al. Realistic single-image super-resolution using autoencoding adversarial networks[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018, 27(6): 063020. (SCI)

4、Xie E, Zang Y, Shao S, et al. Scene Text Detection with Supervised Pyramid Context Network[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.08605, 2018. (CCF A类会议)

5、Xiao Q, Li G, Xie L, et al. Real-world plant species identification based on deep convolutional neural networks and visual attention[J]. Ecological informatics, 2018, 48: 117-124. (SCI)

6、L. Xie, G. Li, M. Xiao, et al. Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Discrete Space Model and Support Vector Machine [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017, 14(3): 374-378. (SCI)

7、L. Xie, G. Li, M. Xiao, et al. Band selection algorithm based on information entropy for hyperspectral image classification [J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2017, 11(2): 026018. (SCI)

8、Tang K, Xie L, Li G. A multiple classifier system based on Ant-Colony Optimization for Hyperspectral image classification[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2017, 787(1): 012011. (EI)

9、Jiang M, Li G, Xie L, et al. Adaptive classifier for steel strip surface defects[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2017, 787(1): 012019. (EI)

10、Pan Yuqing, Li Guangyao, Yang Li. Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Water Surface in Building Environment[C]// IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, (EI)

11、Mang Xiao, Guangyao Li, Lei Peng, et al. Completion of images of historical artifacts based on salient shapes[J]. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(1): 396-400. (SCI)

12、Li Xie, Guangyao Li, Mang Xiao, et al. Novel classification method for remote sensing images based on information entropy discretization algorithm and vector space model[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2016, 89: 252-259. (SCI)

13、Zhou Y, Tan Y, Li G. Improve 3-D Reconstruction from Single and Multiple Images by Image Processing Methods[J]. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(8): 5231-5241. (SCI)

14、Tan Y, Zhou Y, Li G, et al. Computational aesthetics of photos quality assessment based on improved artificial neural network combined with an autoencoder technique[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 188: 50-62. (SCI)

15、Mang Xiao, Guangyao Li, Jiang Y., et al. Image Completion using Belief Propagation Based on Planar Priorities[J]. KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems, 2016, 10(9) : 4405-4418. (SCI)

16、Li Yi, Guangyao Li, Mingming Jiang. An End-to-End Steel Strip Surface Defects Recognition System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks[J]. Steel Research International, 2016. (SCI)

17、Jun Xu, Guangyao Li. A two-stage improved ant colony optimization based feature selection for web classification[J]. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2016, 12(6), 1851-1864. (EI)

18、周毅敏, 李光耀. 多重光照色差下图像平滑美化处理算法[J]. 计算机科学, 2016, 43(10): 287-291.

19、Xiao M, Li G, Xie L, et al. Contour-guided image completion using a sample image[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2015, 24(2): 023029(1)-023029(11). (SCI)

20、Xiao M, Li G, Tan Y, et al. Image Completion Using Similarity Analysis and Transformation[J]. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 2015, 10(4): 193-204. (EI)

21、Zhou Y, Li G, Tan Y. Computational Aesthetics of Photos Quality Assessment and Classification Based on Artificial Neural Network with Deep Learning Methods[J]. network, 2015, 8(7): 273-282. (EI)

22、李光耀, 秦洁. 建筑布局对空间舒适性影响的数值模拟[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(06): 853-858. (EI)


1、《城市发展的数据逻辑》 科学技术出版社

2、《城市仿真技术》 同济大学出版社