

信息来源: 发布日期:2024-12-04 浏览次数:

江建慧 博士、教授


办公室:同济大学嘉定校区济事楼418室 [周一、周二、周四]





容错与安全计算 / 本 [14秋~]

安全体系结构与管理 / 本 [12春~20春]

可信系统 / 硕 [13春~]

软件可靠性工程 / 博 [12秋~13秋、15秋~16秋、19秋~20秋]


出版教材《计算机容错技术》(中国铁道出版社,1995)和《安全关键计算机系统》(中国铁道出版社,2003)。在Journal of Computer Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, 《计算机学报》、《中国科学:信息科学》《电子学报》、《计算机研究与发展》、《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》、ITC、DATE、ATS、PRDC等国内外学术刊物和学术会议上发表论文200余篇,SCI/SCIE/EI收录100余篇。
“容错与安全计算”、“安全体系结构与管理”、“可信系统”、“软件可靠性工程”等本科生和研究生课程。主持省部级教改项目多项,发表教改论文多篇。培养获得学位的工学博士生18人、工学硕士生52人、工程硕士生30人其中,毕业非在职研究生的首次就业单位包括高校(如浙江工业大学、湖州师范学院、上海应用技术学院、上海第二工业大学)、科研院所(如上海计算机软件技术开发中心)、政府机构(如中国人民银行上海市质量技术监督局)、企业(如华为、腾讯、百度、网易、奇虎360、盛大网络、上汽集团、大唐电信、支付宝、中国银联、中国工商银行、中国建设银行、招商银行、中国平安、上海证券交易所、中国金融期货交易所、Morgan Stanley、Intel、IBM、EMC、Cisco、Yahoo、Motorola、Alcatel、NXP、Nvidia、Synopsys、Advantest、SAP、Autodesk)等



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(61772199):基于程序状态分析的核函数软件失效预测关键技术研究,2018年~2021年,同济大学方负责人,承担单位:湖州师范学院、同济大学

  2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(61432017):差错容忍计算器件基础理论与方法,2015年~2019年,同济大学方负责人,承担单位:中国科学院计算技术研究所、香港中文大学深圳研究院、同济大学

  3. 江苏省产学研联合创新资金项目(BY2013095)子课题(BY2013095-5-06):未来网络的容错与容侵,2014年~2015年,负责人,承担单位:同济大学

  4. 上海申通地铁集团公司科研项目:轨道交通网络信息化规划与应用研究,2008年~2009年,同济大学方负责人,承担单位:上海计算机软件技术开发中心、同济大学

  5. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2007AA01Z142):软件可信性评估方法和工具及其应用,2007年~2009年,负责人,承担单位:同济大学

  6. 上海市科学技术委员会重点科技攻关计划项目(06DZ15003):轨道交通乘客信息系统终端控制设备、车辆工况监测、车地通信以及电力、设备监控系统的嵌入式技术应用研究,2006年~2008年,同济大学方负责人,承担单位:上海申通轨道交通研究咨询有限公司、同济大学、东华大学、上海电器科学研究所(集团)有限公司等

  7. 国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)课题(2005CB321604)子课题:VLSI高可靠设计与评估,2005年~2007年,子课题负责人,承担单位:同济大学

  8. 上海市科学技术委员会重点科技攻关计划项目(04DZ15032):轨道交通自动售检票系统终端设备嵌入式技术应用,2005年~2006年,同济大学方负责人,承担单位:上海申通轨道交通研究咨询有限公司、同济大学、上海华虹计通智能卡系统有限公司等

  9. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划《半导体集成化芯片系统基础研究》面上课题(90207021):系统芯片在线测试与容错技术研究,2003年~2005年,负责人,承担单位:同济大学

  10. 上海市科学技术委员会信息技术领域重点科技攻关计划项目(035115023):实时嵌入式软件系统测试技术及平台的研究与应用,2003年~2005年,负责人,承担单位:上海计算机软件技术开发中心、同济大学

  11. 上海高等学校青年教师学术基金项目(95QD18):实时混合容错理论及容错专用部件结构研究和模拟,1995年~1997年,负责人

  12. 铁道部科技基金项目(J92X015):多处理机和VLSI/WSI阵列的自动重构技术及其性能评价,1992年~1994年,负责人


  1. 江建慧, 于露, 张颖. 基于有界模型检验的微型木马检测方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201810437259.0

  2. 江建慧, 张威, 张颖. 基于参数Bootstrap重抽样的软件失效时间预测方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201810693449.9

  3. 张颖, 洪欣鹏, 江建慧, 王冬青. 容忍多故障的大规模三维片上网络确定性路径路由方法. 中国发明专利, ZL202010791331.7

  4. 张颖, 陈中胜, 季鹏飞, 江建慧. 针对超大规模片上网络容忍众故障的确定性路径路由方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201910222208.0

  5. 张颖, 江建慧. 基于有界模型检验的片上网络固定型故障在线测试方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201810072146.5

  6. 江建慧, 陆曹波, 张颖. 一种片上网络应用的广度优先贪心映射方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201710599782.9

  7. 蒋云良, 楼俊钢, 顾永跟, 沈张果, 江建慧. 一种基于QBGSA-RVR的软件可靠性预测方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201510675965.5

  8. 张颖, 江建慧. 一种以内升温方式检测时延故障的定温指令级自测试方法. 中国发明专利,  ZL201510012121.2

  9. 江建慧, 闵应骅. 自诊断的多模冗余系统. 中国发明专利, ZL01124286.8


  1. 鄢贵海, 江建慧, 李华伟, 李晓维. 微处理器芯片可靠性设计研究进展. 2012中国计算机科学技术发展报告, 中国计算机学会主编, 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2013, 174-202

  2. 刘佳翔, 江建慧, 靳昂. 一个Java程序的动态故障注入工具原型. 工业软件研发、测试与质量管理论丛, 上海: 上海社会科学院出版社, 2012, 36-52

  3. 李雪, 江建慧. Linux进程切换和优先级倒置解除时间的精确测量. 工业软件研发、测试与质量管理论丛, 上海: 上海社会科学院出版社, 2012, 17-26

  4. 员春欣, 江建慧. 安全关键计算机系统. 北京: 中国铁道出版社, 2003

  5. 江建慧. 失效安全技术及自校验技术. 计算机容错技术, 胡谋主编, 第五章, 北京: 中国铁道出版社, 1995, 157-199(获1997年上海市高校优秀教材二等奖)


  1. Zhen Wang, Guofa Zhang, Jing Ye, Jianhui Jiang*, Fengyong Li, Yong Wang. Accurate reliability analysis methods for approximate computing circuits. Tsinghua Science and Technology, accepted

  2. Naijin Chen, Zhen Wang, Ruixiang He, Jianhui Jiang, Fei Cheng, Chenghao Han. Efficient scheduling mapping algorithm for row parallel coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2021, 26(5): 724 - 735

  3. Jianhui Jiang, Tao Wang, Zhen Wang. Probability gate model based methods for approximate arithmetic circuits reliability estimation. CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing, 2021, 3(2): 201 - 219

  4. Ying Zhang, Xinpeng Hong, Zhongsheng Chen, Zebo Peng, Jianhui Jiang. A deterministic-path routing algorithm for tolerating many faults on very-large-scale network-on-chip. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 2021, 26(1): 8:1 - 8:26

  5. Jie Xiao, Zhanhui Shi, Weidong Zhu, Jianhui Jiang*, Qianwei Zhou, Jungang Lou, Yujiao Huang, Qiou Ji and Ziwen Sun. Uniform non-Bernoulli sequences oriented locating method for reliability-critical gates. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2021, 26(1): 24 - 35

  6. Wei Zhang, Xiao Chen, and Jianghui Jiang*. A multi-objective optimization method of virtual machine fault-tolerant static placement for star topological cloud systems. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2021, 26(1): 95 - 111

  7. Yuchang Mo, Liudong Xing, Jianhui Jiang. Modeling and analyzing linear wireless sensor networks with backbone support. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(10): 3912 - 3924

  8. Ying Zhang, Weihong Yu, Xiaodong Chen and Jianhui Jiang*. Parallel genetic algorithm to extend the lifespan of internet of things in 5G networks. IEEE Access, 2020, Vol. 8, pp. 149630 - 149642

  9. Yuchang Mo, Liudong Xing, Wenzhong Guo, Shaobin Cai, Zhao Zhang, Jian Hui Jiang. Reliability analysis of IoT networks with community structures. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2020, 7(1): 304 - 315

  10. Ying Zhang, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Zebo Peng, Ahmed Rezine, Huawei Li, Petru Eles, Jianhui Jiang. Software-based self-testing using bounded model checking for out-of-order superscalar processors. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020, 39(3): 714 - 727

  11. Jie Xiao, Weifeng Ma, Jungang Lou, Jianhui Jiang, Yujiao Huang, Zhanhui Shi, Qing Shen, and Xuhua Yang. Circuit reliability prediction based on deep autoencoder network. Neurocomputing, 2019, 370, 140 - 154

  12. Jie Xiao, Zhanhui Shi, Jianhui Jiang*, Xuhua Yang, Yujiao Huang, Haigen Hu. A locating method for reliability-critical gates with a parallel-structured genetic algorithm. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2019, 34(5): 1136-1151

  13. Zhen Wang, Jianhui Jiang*, Tao Wang. Failure probability analysis and critical node determination for approximate circuits. Integration, the VLSI Journal, 2019, 68(5): 122 - 128

  14. Jie Xiao, Jungang Lou and Jianhui Jiang. A fast and effective sensitivity calculation method for circuit input vectors. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2019, 68(3): 938 - 953

  15. Fanrong Kong, Jianhui Jiang*, Yan Huang. An adaptive multi-swarm competition in particle swarm optimizer for large scale optimization. Mathematics, 2019, 7(6), 521

  16. 张颖, 张嘉琦, 王真, 江建慧. 基于有界模型检测的门级软件自测试方法. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 46(11): 1576 - 1581

  17. 肖杰, 李伟, 江建慧*, 杨旭华, 高楠, 胡海根. 一种考虑屏蔽效应的电路输入向量敏感性计算方法. 计算机学报, 2018, 41(10): 2282 - 2294

  18. 江建慧, 吴捷程, 孙亚. 一种基于异常控制流的错误程序行为分析方法. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 46(7): 972 - 981

  19. Jie Xiao, Jianhui Jiang, Xiaoxin Li, Yujiao Huang, Xuhua Yang, Zhanhui Shi, and Jungang Lou. A novel trust evaluation method for logic circuits in IoT applications based on the E-PTM model. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 35683 - 35696

  20. Jie Xiao, Jungang Lou, Jianhui Jiang, Xiaoxin Li, Xuhua Yang, and Yujiao Huang. Blockchain architecture reliability-based measurement for circuit unit importance. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 15326 - 15334

  21. 王真, 江建慧*, 陈乃金, 卢光明, 张颖. BTI作用下三因素对集成电路软差错率的影响. 计算机研究与发展, 2018, 55 (5): 1108 - 1116

  22. Ying Zhang, Li Ling, Jianhui Jiang*, and Jie Xiao. Thermal-aware SoC test scheduling with voltage/frequency scaling and test partition. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, 2018, 34(4): 447 - 460

  23. 卜登立, 江建慧, 罗文浪. 基于2个阶段遗传算法的MPRM电路面积与SER折中优化. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2017, 29(10): 1924 - 1934

  24. Fanrong Kong, Jianhui Jiang, Zhigang Ding, Junjie Hu, Weian Guo, Lei Wang. A personalized rolling optimal charging schedule for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle based on statistical energy demand analysis and heuristic algorithm. Energies, 2017, 10(9), 1333

  25. 陈乃金, 冯志勇, 江建慧, 何瑞祥, 王真. 行并行可重构单元阵列流水映射性能评估. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(8): 1218 - 1226

  26. 王真, 江建慧*, 陈乃金. 考虑偏置温度不稳定性的软差错率分析. 电子与信息学报, 2017, 39 (7): 1640 - 1645

  27. Chunyan Shuai, Xin Ouyang, Jianhui Jiang, Siqi Li. P-CCBFF: A lightweight cooperative detection and trackback framework of DDoS/DoS attacks. Journal of Internet Technology, 2017, 18(5): 1147 - 1158

  28. 凌立, 江建慧*, 张颖, 王真. 基于聚类的异步时钟SoC测试. 电子学报, 2017, 45(3): 740 - 746

  29. 卜登立, 江建慧. 基于Pareto支配的MPRM电路面积与可靠性优化. 电子学报, 2016, 44(11): 2653 - 2659

  30. 欧阳城添, 江建慧, 王曦. 触发器可靠度计算的F-PTM方法. 电子学报, 2016, 44(9): 2219 - 2226

  31. Jie Xiao, William Lee, Jianhui Jiang, Xuhua Yang. Circuit reliability estimation based on an iterative PTM model with hybrid coding. Microelectronics Journal, 2016, 52, 117 - 123

  32. Xiao Chen and Jianhui Jiang. A method of virtual machine placement for fault-tolerant cloud applications. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2016, 22(4): 587 - 597

  33. 陈乃金, 江建慧. 多叉树数据流图粗粒度可重构单元阵列映射算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2016, 28(7): 1180 - 1187

  34. 陈晓, 江建慧. 动态可配置的两阶段虚拟机容错分配方法. 电子科技大学学报, 2016, 45(3): 442 - 447

  35. 凌立, 江建慧*. 基于异步时钟的SoC功耗约束测试调度优化. 计算机研究与发展, 2015, 52(11): 2589 - 2598

  36. 陈乃金, 江建慧. 一种粗粒度可重构体系结构多目标优化映射算法. 电子学报, 2015, 43(11): 2151 - 2160

  37. 陈乃金, 冯志勇, 江建慧. 用于二维RCA跨层数据传输的旁节点无冗余添加算法. 通信学报, 2015, 36(4): 35 - 51

  38. 陈乃金, 江建慧. 考虑通信成本和硬件碎片利用的簇划分算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2015, 27(4): 754 - 763

  39. 张颖, 江建慧, 李华伟, 李晓维. 基于信号跳变时间可调整的容错路由器. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(2): 305 - 311

  40. 卜登立, 江建慧. 基于对偶逻辑的混合极性RM电路极性转换和优化方法. 电子学报, 2015, 43(1): 79 - 85

  41. 张丹青, 江建慧, 陈林博. 一种对程序故障行为和失效行为的聚类有效性验证方法. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2014, 44(10): 1323 - 1344

  42. 肖杰, 江建慧, 梁家荣. 面向晶体管级广义门电路的PTM可靠性计算方法. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2014, 44(10): 1226 - 1238

  43. 肖杰, 江建慧, 朱旭光. 一种基于迭代PTM模型的电路可靠性评估方法. 计算机学报, 2014, 37(7): 1508 - 1520

  44. 陈晓, 江建慧. 基于量子行为粒子群优化的软件可靠性模型参数估计. 高技术通讯, 2014, 24(5): 479 - 485

  45. 肖杰, 江建慧, 杨旭华, 梁家荣. 一个面向缺陷分析的电路成品率与可靠性的关系模型. 电子学报, 2014, 42(4): 747 - 755

  46. 陈林博, 江建慧, 张丹青. 用多密钥加密方法防御面向返回编程的攻击. 高技术通讯, 2014, 24(4): 355 - 364

  47. 江建慧,刘宇,朱一南,钱剑琤. 一种结合线程特性的SMT指令队列竞争缓解策略. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(12): 1889 - 1897

  48. 楼俊钢, 江建慧, 沈张果, 蒋云良. 软件可靠性预测的相关向量机模型. 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(7): 1542 - 1550

  49. 楼俊钢, 蒋云良, 申情, 江建慧. 软件可靠性预测中不同核函数的预测能力评估. 计算机学报, 2013, 36(6): 1303 - 1311

  50. 肖杰, 江建慧. 考虑时间因素的不同基本门故障概率计算. 电子学报, 2013, 41(4): 666 - 673

  51. 肖杰, 江建慧. 面向缺陷分析的广义门电路故障概率的计算. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2013, 25(4): 564 - 572

  52. 陈乃金, 江建慧. 融合面积估算和多目标优化的硬件任务划分算法. 通信学报, 2013, 34(2): 40 - 55

  53. 卜登立, 江建慧. 基于混合多值离散粒子群优化的混合极性Reed-Muller最小化算法. 电子与信息学报, 2013, 35(2): 361 - 367

  54. 卜登立, 江建慧. 使用系数矩阵变换极性转换的MPRM电路面积优化. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2013, 25(1): 126 - 135

  55. 欧阳城添, 江建慧. 基于概率转移矩阵的时序电路可靠度估计方法. 电子学报, 2013, 41(1): 171 - 177

  56. 胡嘉伟, 江建慧. 一种面向软件可靠性评估的故障注入机制的设计与实现. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2012, 24(6): 741 - 751

  57. 陈乃金, 江建慧, 陈昕, 周洲, 徐莹. 一种考虑执行延迟最小化和资源约束的改进层划分算法. 电子学报, 2012, 40(5): 1055 - 1066

  58. Liangliang Kong and Jianhui Jiang. A worst-case execution time analysis approach based on independent paths for ARM programs. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2012, 17(5): 391 - 399

  59. 陈林博, 江建慧, 张丹青. 基于双栈的缓冲区溢出攻击的防御. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 40(3): 452 - 458

  60. 孔亮亮, 江建慧, 肖杰, 蒋圆圆. ARM程序执行周期估计的基于模拟的非线性方法. 计算机研究与发展, 2012, 49(2): 392 - 401

  61. 肖杰, 江建慧. 结合版图结构信息的基本门电路故障概率估计. 电子学报, 2012, 40(2): 235 - 240

  62. 周焕盛, 江建慧. 一个多维信息安全指标体系及等级保护量化模型. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2012, 42(1): 67 - 76

  63. 靳昂, 江建慧, 楼俊钢. 基于加速寿命试验的Web服务器测评. 计算机研究与发展, 2011, 47(S): 229 - 236

  64. 郑剑, 江建慧. 基于标签转换系统的Web服务行为失配类型的判定方法. 计算机集成制造系统, 2011, 17(12): 2743 - 2751

  65. Jie YIN, Jianhui JIANG, Yu LIU. AC-RMT: A fault-tolerance SMT architecture based on asynchronous checkpoint. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2011, 17(6): 803 - 813

  66. 印杰, 江建慧. 冗余多线程结构的重命名寄存器配对共享分配策略. 计算机研究与发展, 2011, 48(3): 516 - 527

  67. 陈林博, 江建慧, 张丹青, 帅春燕. 基于多版本冗余进程的容侵系统. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2011, 51(S1): 1519 - 1526

  68. 杨洋, 帅春燕, 江建慧. 基于堆栈分析的缓冲区溢出漏洞检测方法. 计算机研究与发展, 2011, 47(S): 291 - 295

  69. 郑剑, 江建慧. 基于弱同步的服务交互适配方法. 计算机集成制造系统, 2010, 16(8): 1688 - 1695

  70. 楼俊钢, 江建慧, 靳昂. 考虑样本与均值差别的软件可靠性模型. 计算机学报, 2010, 33(7): 1279 - 1287

  71. 江建慧, 章力源, 金涛, 陈川. 基于k循环随机序列的动态缓冲区溢出防御. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 38(6): 917 - 924

  72. 田春岐, 江建慧, 胡治国, 李峰. 一种基于聚集超级节点的P2P网络信任模型. 计算机学报, 2010, 33(2): 345 - 355

  73. 孔亮亮, 江建慧, 靳昂. 关于系统性能度量方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2009, 41(S1): 135 - 141

  74. 王真, 江建慧. 考虑版图级因素的PTM中故障感染率的计算. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2009, 41(S1): 124 - 129

  75. 楼俊钢, 江建慧, 赵时旻, 孔亮亮. 基于随机完全区组设计的嵌入式系统性能分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 37(12): 1663 - 1667

  76. 王真, 江建慧. 基于概率转移矩阵的串行电路可靠度计算方法. 电子学报, 2009, 37(2): 241 - 247

  77. 张蕊, 江建慧, 楼俊钢, 沈君华, 王艳娜. 基于B/S结构的嵌入式系统测试平台. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2009, 21(1): 13 - 18

  78. 江建慧, 唐智杰. 测量嵌入式操作系统实时性能参数的新方法. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 36(9): 1260 - 1266

  79. 王真, 江建慧, 员春欣. 高性能处理器的差错校正技术. 计算机研究与发展, 2008, 45(2): 358 - 366

  80. WANG Zhen, JIANG Jianhui, and YANG Guang. Implementation and analysis of probabilistic methods for gate-level circuit reliability estimation. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2007, 12(S1): 32 - 38

  81. 靳昂, 江建慧. 故障注入技术及其应用. 中国计算机学会通讯, 2007, 3(7): 32 - 40

  82. Wang Hongcheng, Jiang Jianhui, and Jin Ang. A performance benchmark suite for real-time embedded systems. High Technology Letters, 2006, 12(S): 55 - 59

  83. Liu Hongtao and Jiang Jianhui. A robustness testing platform for file system. High Technology Letters, 2006, 12(S): 23 - 27

  84. Wei Wang and Jian-Hui Jiang. Hardware complexity and fault response rate of a class of online-testing and fault-tolerant structures in Xilinx CPLD. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2006, 38(S): 412 - 416

  85. 江建慧, 梁剑华, 靳昂, 胡瑾. Linux上软件实现的瞬时故障注入方案及其实现. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 34(6): 823 - 827

  86. Jian-Hui Jiang. An error recoverable structure based on complementary logic and alternating-retry. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2005, 20(6): 885 - 894

  87. 江建慧, 员春欣. 芯片级系统的在线测试技术. 计算机研究与发展, 2004, 41(9): 1593 - 1603

  88. 陈火军, 江建慧. 门级故障到寄存器传输级故障的映射. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 32(8): 1061 - 1066

  89. 江建慧, 朱为国. 嵌入式存储器的内建自测试和内建自修复. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 32(8): 1050 - 1056

  90. JIANG Jianhui, MIN Yinghua, and PENG Chenglian. Fault-tolerant systems with concurrent error-locating capability. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2003, 18(2): 190 - 200

  91. 江建慧, 闵应骅, 彭澄廉. 一种用于双模冗余系统的健壮故障安全接口. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 30(10): 1164 - 1168

  92. 江建慧, 闵应骅, 彭澄廉. N为偶数的并发差错可定位N-模冗余结构. 计算机学报, 2002, 25(8): 837 - 844

  93. 江建慧. 交替互补定位器及其用于双模比较冗余结构的差错定位. 计算机研究与发展, 2001, 38(6): 754 - 764

  94. 江建慧, 施鸿宝. 具有故障定位能力的健壮故障安全系统. 电子学报, 2000, 28(8): 35 - 38

  95. 江建慧, 闵应骅, 施鸿宝. 数字电路并发差错定位的概念与基本结构. 计算机研究与发展, 2000, 37(5): 532 - 542

  96. 江建慧, 闵应骅, 施鸿宝. 一种扩展故障安全系统理论. 电路与系统学报, 1999, 4(4): 1 - 9

  97. 江建慧, 闵应骅, 施鸿宝. 数字电路并发差错检测的新概念. 计算机研究与发展, 1999, 36(9): 1133 - 1141

  98. 江建慧, 赵晓东, 童梅, 高莹心. 组合事务块及其在C语言和FOXPRO中的实现. 计算机研究与发展, 1998, 35(9): 859 - 864

  99. 江建慧, 胡谋. 安全逻辑器件与CMOS B/T逻辑电路及其噪声容限. 计算机研究与发展, 1993, 30(5): 55 - 61

  1. Xinying Liu, Jianhui Jiang*, and Long Li. Computation offloading and task scheduling with fault-tolerance for minimizing redundancy in edge computing. The First Workshop on Dependability Modeling and Design, Wuhan, China, Oct 2021

  2. Zhen Wang, Guofa Zhang, Jing Ye, and Jianhui Jiang*. Reliability evaluation of approximate arithmetic circuits based on signal probability. The 5th IEEE International Test Conference in Asia, Shanghai, China, Aug 2021

  3. Xuliang Chen, Jianhui Jiang*, Wei Zhang, Xuze Xia. Fault diagnosis for open source software based on dynamic tracking. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, Xi’an, China, Nov 2020, pp. 263 - 268

  4. Jiaqi Zhang, Ying Zhang, Huawei Li, and Jianhui Jiang. HIT: a hidden instruction Trojan model for microprocessors. Proceedings of 23rd IEEE/ACM/IFIP Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, Grenoble, France, Mar 2020, pp. 1271 - 1274

  5. Xuze Xia, Wei Zhang, and Jianhui Jiang*. Ensemble methods for anomaly detection based on system log. Proceedings of IEEE 24th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Kyoto, Japan, Dec 2019, pp. 93 - 94

  6. Qian Wang, Jianhui Jiang*, and Long Li. A reliability automatic assessment framework for open source software. Proceedings of IEEE 24th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Kyoto, Japan, Dec 2019, pp. 91 - 92

  7. Tao Wang, Jianhui Jiang*, and Zhen Wang. Reliability estimation of approximate circuits based on probabilistic gate model. Proceedings of IEEE 24th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Kyoto, Japan, Dec 2019, pp. 55 - 56

  8. Zhongshen Chen, Ying Zhang, Zebo Peng, Jianhui Jiang. A deterministic-path routing algorithm for tolerating many faults on wafer-level NoC. Proceedings of 22nd IEEE/IFIP Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, Mar 2019

  9. Jianhui Jiang, Guangming Lu, Zhen Wang. Methods for approximate adders reliability estimation based on PTM model. Proceedings of 23rd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 2018, pp. 221 - 222

  10. Ying Zhang, Lu Yu, Huawei Li, Jianhui Jiang*. Small logic trojan testing using bounded model checking. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Test Conference in Asia, Harbin, China, Aug 2018, pp. 85 - 90

  11. Ying Zhang, Krishnendu Chakrabarty*, Huawei Li, Jianhui Jiang*. Software-based online self-testing of network-on-chip using bounded model checking. Proceedings of 48th IEEE International Test Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Oct 2017

  12. Xiao Chen, Jian-Hui Jiang and Qu Jiang. A method of self-adaptive pre-copy container checkpoint. Proceedings of 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Zhangjiajie, China, Nov 2015, pp. 290 - 300

  13. Zhen Wang, Jianhui Jiang. Effect of bias temperature instability on soft error rate. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (Workshops and Symposiums), Zhangjiajie, China, Nov 2015, pp. 736 - 745

  14. Ying Zhang, Zebo Peng, Jianhui Jiang*, Huawei Li, Masahiro Fujita. Temperature-aware software-based self-testing for delay faults. Proceedings of 18th IEEE/ACM Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, Grenoble, France, Mar 2015

  15. Li Ling and Jianhui Jiang. Exploit voltage and frequency scaling for SoC test scheduling under thermal constraints. Proceedings of 23rd IEEE Asian Test Symposium, Hangzhou, China, Nov 2014, pp. 180 - 185

  16. Danqing Zhang, Jianhui Jiang and Linbo Chen. Program behavior characterization and clustering : An empirical study for failure clustering. Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Program Debugging, Pasadena, USA, Nov 2013, pp. 144 - 149

  17. Liangliang Kong, Jianhui Jiang. A combined hardware/software measurement for ARM program execution time. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 337, 2013, 185 - 201

  18. Chen Linbo, Jiang Jianhui and Zhang Danqing. Prevent code reuse attacks by using control flow lazily check. Proceedings of IEEE 18th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Niigata, Japan, Dec 2012, pp. 51 - 60

  19. Naijin Chen and Jianhui Jiang. Mapping algorithm for coarse-grained reconfigurable multimedia architectures. Proceedings of 19th IEEE Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, Shanghai, China, 2012, pp. 281 - 286

  20. Jie Xiao, Jian-Hui Jiang, Xu-Guang Zhu, and Cheng-Tian Ouyang. A method of circuit reliability estimation based on iterative PTM model. Proceedings of IEEE 17th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Pasadena, California, USA, Dec 2011, pp. 276 - 277

  21. Jie Yin and Jianhui Jiang. An asynchronous checkpoint-based redundant multithreading architecture. Proceedings of IEEE 16th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2010, pp. 243 - 244

  22. Ying Wu, Jianhui Jiang, and Liangliang Kong. Sequential frequency vector based system call anomaly detection. Proceedings of IEEE 16th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2010, pp. 215 - 222

  23. Chengtian Ouyang, Jianhui Jiang and Jie Xiao. Reliability evaluation of flip-flops based on probabilistic transfer matrices. Proceedings of IEEE 16th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2010, pp. 239 - 240

  24. Liangliang Kong and Jianhui Jiang. A safe measurement-based worst-case execution time estimation using automatic test-data generation. Proceedings of IEEE 16th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2010, pp. 245 - 246

  25. Jungang Lou, Jianhui Jiang, and Chunyan Shuai. A study on software reliability prediction based on transduction inference. Proceedings of IEEE 19th Asian Test Symposium,Shanghai, China, Dec 2010, pp. 77 - 80

  26. Jie Yin and Jianhui Jiang. Design and analysis of an asynchronous checkpoint-based redundant multithreading architecture. Dependable Computing, vol. 25, San Antonio: TSI Press, 2010, pp. 519 - 524

  27. Ang Jin and Jianhui Jiang. Fault injection scheme for embedded programs at machine code level and verification. Proceedings of 15th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Shanghai, China, Nov 2009, pp. 55 - 62

  28. Lou Jun-gang, Jiang Jian-hui, Shuai Chun-yan, Zhang Rui, and Jin Ang. Software reliability prediction model based on relevance vector machine. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, Shanghai, China, Nov 2009, pp. 229 - 233

  29. Ying Wu and Jianhui Jiang. Frequency weighted Hamming distance for system call anomaly detection. Proceedings of the WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, Los Angeles, California, USA, Mar 2009, pp. 105 - 109

  30. Zhang Rui, Jiang Jianhui, Yin Jie, Jin Ang, Lou Jungang, and Wu Ying. A new method for test suite reduction. Proceedings of 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, Zhangjiajie, China, Nov 2008, pp. 1211 - 1216

  31. Ang Jin, Jianhui Jiang, Jiawei Hu, and Jungang Lou. A PIN-based dynamic software fault injection system. Proceedings of 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, Zhangjiajie, China, Nov 2008, pp. 2160 - 2167

  32. Qian Feng-an and Jiang Jian-hui. A novel test case generation method of pair-wise testing. Proceedings of IEEE 16th Asian Test Symposium, Beijing, China, Oct 2007, pp. 149 - 154

  33. Wang Wei and Jiang Jianhui. A new soft IP core for online-testing and fault-tolerant structures. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on ASIC, Guilin, China, Oct 2007, pp. 1006 - 1009

  34. Wang Wei and Jiang Jianhui. A novel method for the construction of self-dual circuits. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on ASIC, Shanghai, China, Oct 2005, pp. 685 - 688

  35. Ang Jin and Jian-Hui Jiang. Software-implemented fault injection at machine code level for ARM architecture. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments, Vol. 8, Beijing, China, Aug 2005, pp. 8-173 - 8-178

  36. Jian-Hui JIANG. Error detection and correction in VLSI systems by online testing and retrying. Proceedings of IEEE 12th Asian Test Symposium, Xi’an, China, Nov 2003

  37. Na TANG, Jian-Hui JIANG, and Kenneth LIN. A high-performance 32-bit parallel multiplier using modified Booth’s algorithm and sign-deduction algorithm. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on ASIC, Beijing, China, Oct 2003, pp. 1281 - 1284

  38. JIANG Jian-Hui. An efficient implementation scheme of DBench general dependability benchmark framework. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments, vol. 1, Taiyuan, China, Aug 2003, pp. 836 - 839

  39. Jianhui Jiang, Yinghua Min, and Chenglian Peng. Design and analysis of fault-tolerant memory systems based on replication and error control codes. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments, Guilin, China, Nov 2001, pp. 463 - 466

  40. Jianhui Jiang, Yinghua Min, and Chenglian Peng. VHDL modeling and analysis of error-control specific circuits for multiple-modular redundant systems with concurrent error location capability. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on ASIC, Shanghai, China, Oct 2001, pp. 570 - 573

  41. Jianhui Jiang, Yinghua Min, and Chenglian Peng. On fault-tolerant systems with concurrent error location capability. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Kunming, China, Aug 2001, pp. 616 - 623

  42. Jianhui Jiang, Hongbao Shi, Yinghua Min, and Xiaodong Zhao. A novel NMR structure with concurrent output error location capability. Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Hong Kong, Dec 1999, pp. 32 - 39

  43. Jianhui Jiang, Yinghua Min, and Hongbao Shi. A theory of extended fault-masking digital circuits with concurrent error detection capability. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Shanghai, China, Dec 1999, pp. 691 - 697

  44. Jianhui Jiang, Mou Hu, and Hongbao Shi. A novel structure of multioutput hybrid logic networks based on self-checking logic and fail-safe logic for fault diagnosis. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, vol. 2, Shenzhen, China, Dec 1997, pp. 471 - 476

  45. Jianhui Jiang and Mou Hu. The extended self-checking properties of alternating-complementary logic systems. Proceedings of International Workshop on Computer-Aided Design, Test, and Evaluation for Dependability, Beijing, China, July 1996, pp. 258 - 263

  46. Jiang Jianhui and Hu Mou. Fault tolerance and pipelining of VLSI combinational logic networks. Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Automation and Power Engineering, vol.1, Beijing, China, Oct 1993, pp. 44 - 48


  • 副主任,中国计算机学会容错计算专业委员会,2012年01月~

  • 副主任,中国计量测试学会集成电路测试专业委员会,2018年~

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  • 特约编辑,《中国科学:信息科学》测试技术专刊,2014年,第44卷,第10期

  • General Co-Chair, The 5th International Test Conference in Asia, 2021

  • Program Co-Chair, The First Workshop on Dependability Modeling and Design (WDMD), 2021

  • Program Co-Chair, IEEE 11th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT), 2010

  • Tutorial Chair, IEEE 19th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2010

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  • Program Committee member, IEEE WRTLT, 2003, 2007, 2018

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