

信息来源: 发布日期:2024-10-24 浏览次数:



电话: 13661467994 Email: qinpeizhao@tongji.edu.cn



l 09/2007 – 06/2012: 东芬兰大学

研究方向:聚类分析,图像和语音处理,数据挖掘 (计算机专业)


l 09/2004 – 03/2007: 上海交通大学



l 08/2000 – 07/2004: 西安电子科技大学




研究方向: 聚类分析,数据挖掘,模式识别,人工智能

相关领域: 图像分割,语音处理,视频监控,目标跟踪,医疗领域,风力发电,手机应用


l 03/2013 – 至今: 同济大学软件学院


近年来一直从事与聚类算法、聚类有效性分析、图像处理、数据挖掘,人工智能领域相关的研究工作,并已取得了突出的成果,打下了坚实的科研基础。已经在国际权威学术期刊,如IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Pattern RecognitionPattern Recognition Letters, Knowledge and Data Engineering, 和信息检索、人工智能、数据挖掘方面国际会议, ICIPICPRIEEE Web Intelligence等上发表了近30余篇学术论文,授权专利3项,官方受理中的专利3项。主持和参与5项国家自然科学基金项目。在教学方面,获得同济大学2019年教学改革研究和建设项目,2018年度同济大学在线课程建设资助。发表两篇教改论文。

l 07/2009 – 07/2012: 东芬兰大学

职位:助理研究员(Junior Researcher

该职位主要负责研究工作及系里的日常职责。除了独立的研究工作以外,还包括教学,组织和管理科研活动(Summer school),项目和国际交流。


  1. 聚类算法(基于partitionk-means),基于模型的(EM      algorithm),谱聚类(NCut),遗传算法,模糊算法(Fuzzy c-means),基于密度的(DBSCAN))

  2. 确定类的数目(Bayesian      Information Criterion, F-ratio, External validity indices, etc.

  3. EM 算法的改进 – Random      Swap EM algorithm

  4. 图像分割及评估(JSEG 分割方法)

  5. 基于GPS与位置信息的手机应用(GPS数据和图像)

l 01/2007 – 09/2007: 通用电气全球研发中心(上海)




l 03/2006 – 10/2006: 美敦力(上海)


美国美敦力公司(Medtronic Inc.)总部位于美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市,是一家在全球居于领先地位的医疗技术公司,致力于为慢性病患者提供终身的解决方案。











9. 同济大学“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-学科交叉类项目”,基于语料库的新媒介中国全球治理话语的国家修辞模型研究,2018/03-2020/02 20万元,共同负责。

10.上海科委 “科技创新行动计划”国际科技合作项目,基于饮食运动深度强化学习的糖尿病个性化精准血糖管理,40万,参与。

11. 国家重点研发计划-战略性科技创新合作,面向脊髓损伤三级联动康复模式的可穿戴智能健康监测和运动康复管理系统开发,244万,骨干。

12. 同济大学2021年度人工智能学科交叉示范项目,面向糖尿病患者异构数据的强化学习血糖管理控制模型,20万,主持。



1. Qinpei Zhao, Guangda Yang, Kai Zhao, Jiaming Yin, Weixiong Rao and Lei ChenMultivariate Time-Series Forecasting Model: Predictability Analysis and Empirical StudyIEEE Transactions on Big Data, accepted on 2023

2. Qinpei Zhao, Lingjun Fan, Yingjia Zhang, Jiangfeng Li, Yang Shi, Weixiong Rao, DualTaxoVecWeb user embedding and taxonomy generation, Knowledge-based systems, accepted on April 10, 2023.

3. Jiaming Yin, Weixiong Rao, Qinpei Zhao, Chenxi Zhang, Hui Pan, Learn to Optimize the Constrained Shortest Path on Large Dynamic Graphs, Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted on March 8, 2023.

4. Qinpei Zhao, Jinhao Zhu, Xuan Shen, Chuwen Lin, Yinjia Zhang, Yuxiang Liang, Baige Cao, Jiangfeng Li, Xiang Liu, Weixiong Rao, and Congrong Wang, Chinese diabetes datasets for data-driven machine learning, Scientific Data, 2022

5. Yinjia Zhang, Qinpei Zhao*, Yang Shi, Jiangfeng Li and Weixiong Rao, Category tree distance: a taxonomy-based transaction distance for web user analysis, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, DOI:10.1007/s10618-022-00874-9.

6. Huang, Kai; Zhao, Qinpei*, Detection for Dangerous Goods Vehicles in Expressway Service Station Based on Surveillance Videos, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021.

7. Jiangfeng Li, Zijian Zhang, Bowen Wang, Qinpei Zhao, Chenxi Zhang, Inter- and Intra-Modal Contrastive Hybrid Learning Framework for Multimodal Abstractive Summarization. Entropy 24(6): 764 (2022)

8. Peng Zhao, Qinpei. Zhao, C.X. Zhang, G. Su, Q. Zhang and Weixiong Rao, “CLEAN: frequent pattern-based trajectory compression and computation on road networks”, CHINA COMMUNICATIONS, 17(5), pp. 119-136, May 2020.

9. Peng Zhao, A.Q. Zhang, C.X. Zhang, J.F. Li, Q.P. Zhao and W.X. Rao, “ATR: Automatic trajectory repairing with movement tendencies”, IEEE ACCESS, 8, pp. 4122-4132, 2020.

10. Yang Shi, Jingxuan Han, iangfeng Li, Guoyue Xiong and Qinpei Zhao, Identity-based undetachable digital signature for mobile agents in electronic commerce, Soft Computing, v22, n20, p6921-35, 2018.

11. Qinpei Zhao and Pasi Franti, “Centroid Ratio for a pairwise random swap clustering algorithm”, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering 26(5): 1090-1101 (2014).

12. Qinpei Zhao and Pasi Franti, “WB-index: a sum-of-squares based index for cluster validity”, Data & Knowledge Engineering 92: 77-89 (2014).

13. Qinpei Zhao, Yang Shi, Qin Liu and Pasi Franti, “A grid-growing clustering algorithm for geo-spatial data”, Pattern Recognition Letters 53: 77-84 (2015).

14. Qinpei Zhao, Ville Hautamaki, Ismo Karkkainen and Pasi Franti, “Random swap EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models and its applications”, Pattern Recognition Letters 33: 2120-2126 (2012).

15. Pasi Franti, Mohammod Rezaei and Qinpei Zhao, “Centroid index: cluster level similarity measure”, Pattern Recognition 47(9): 2783-3192 (2014).

16. Yang Shi, Jingxuan Han, Hongfei Fan, Qinpei Zhao and Qin Liu, “Protecting encrypted signature functions against intrusions on computing devices by obfuscateion”, IEEE Access, 4:6401-6415, 2016.

17. Yang Shi, Qinpei Zhao, Hongfei Fan and Qin Liu, “Secure obfuscation for encrypted group signatures”, PLOS ONE 10(7), (2015).

18. Yang Shi, Qinpei Zhao and Qin Liu, “Secure mobile agents in eCommerce with Forward-secure undetachable digital signatures”, ETRI Journal 37(3): 573-583 (2015).

19. Yang Shi, Qin Liu and Qinpei Zhao, “A secure implementation of a symmetric Encryption algorithm in white-box attack contexts”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013.

20. Qinpei Zhao, Lixiu Yao, Jian Cheng and Jie Yang, “A novel color image segmentation based on color information and region growing”, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 41(5): 802-806,812, 2007.

21. Qinpei Zhao, Lixiu Yao, Ruiming Liu, Huyi He and Jie Yang, “A novel background-based infrared image segmentation method”, Computer Simulation 24(5): 202-205, 2007.


22. Yuxiang Liang, Jiangfeng Li, Qinpei Zhao, Weixiong Rao, Chenxi Zhang, Congrong Wang. Image Segmentation and Recognition for Multi-class Chinese Food. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2022. (CCF-C)

23. 胡德凤, 张晨曦, 汪世涛,. 基于深度信号处理和堆叠残差GRU的刀具磨损智能预测模型[J]. 计算机科学, 2021, 48(6):9.

24. Cheng Lin, Qinpei Zhao, Weixiong Rao, Learning Index on Content-based Pub/Sub. ICDCS 2021: 1136-1137

25. Shili Hu, Jiangfeng Li, Qinpei Zhao, Chenxi Zhang, Zijian Zhang, Yang Shi, BlockDL: Privacy-Preserving and Crowd-Sourced Deep Learning Through Blockchain. ISCC 2021: 1-7

26. Zijian Zhang, Chenxi Zhang, Qinpei Zhao, Jiangfeng Li, Abstractive Sentence Summarization with Guidance of Selective Multimodal Reference. CoRR abs/2108.05123 (2021)

27. Shili Hu, Jiangfeng Li, Chenxi Zhang, Qinpei Zhao, Wei Ye, The Blockchain-Based Edge Computing Framework for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning. Blockchain 2021: 566-571

28. Qinpei Zhao, Xiongbaixue Yan, Yinjia Zhang, Weixiong Rao, Jiangfeng Li, Chao Mi, Jessie Chen, TaxoVec: Taxonomy Based Representation for Web User Profiling, Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, pp. 548-556, 2021.

29. Jinhao Zhu, Yinjia Zhang, Weixiong Rao, Qinpei Zhao*, Jinagfeng Li, Congrong Wang, Reinforcement Learning for Diabetes Blood Glucose Control with Meal Information, 17th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, p80-91, 2021.

30. J.X. Hu, W.X Rao*, Q.P. Zhao, aHCQ: Adaptive Hierarchical Clustering Based Quantization Framework for Deep Neural Networks, 25th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), vol.12713, pp. 207-218, 2021.

31. Xiaohan Zou, Cheng Lin, Yinjia Zhang, Qinpei Zhao*, To be an Artist: Automatic Generation on Food Image Aesthetic Captioning, Proceedings - IEEE 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2020, pp. 779-786, 2020.

32. Bingquan Yu, Jinqiu Guo, Qinpei zhao, Jiangfeng Li and Weixiong Rao, Smarter and safer traffic signal controlling via deep reinforcement learning, Proc. of the 29th Intl. Conf. on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM’20), pp. 3345-3348, Oct. 2020.

33. Lujiang Yu, Hui Jiang, Hongming Zhu, Qinpei Zhao and Jessie Chen, Investigating the understanding of plagiarism: a case study of code plagiarism in China, 15th Intl. Conf. on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), pp. 176-181, Aug. 2020.

34. Jiaming Yin, Weixiong Rao, Kai Zhao, Mingxuan Yuan, Jia Zeng, Chenxi Zhang, Jiangfeng Li, Qinpei Zhao, Experimental Study of Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Models, CIKM 2019 - Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pp. 2833-2839, Nov.2019.

35. Cheng Lin, Qinpei Zhao*, Jiangfeng Li and Weixiong Rao, Size Prediction for Online Clothing Shopping with Heterogeneous Information, 15th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, pp. 177-181, 2019.

36. Ying Zhang, Yingjia Zhang, Qinpei Zhao*, Weixiong Rao: Automatic User Categorization Through Large Transaction Data. ICME 2019: 278-283.

37. Xiaolei Di, Yu Xiao, Chao Zhu, Yang Deng, Qinpei Zhao and Weixiong Rao, “Traffic congestion prediction by spatiotemporal propagation patterns”, 20th International Conf. on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2019), pp. 298-303, 2019.

38. Jinhua Lv, Qinpei Zhao, Jiangfeng Li, Yige Zhang, Xiaolei Di, Weixiong Rao, Mingxuan Yuan and Jia Zeng, BSLoc: Base station ID-based Telco Outdoor localization, Algorithms for Sensor Systems. 14th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks, ALGOSENSORS 2018, pp. 206-219, 23-24 Aug. 2018. Publication date: 2019.

39. Peng Zhao, Qinpei Zhao, Chenxi Zhang, Gong Su, Qi Zhang and Weixiong Rao, “CLEAN: Frequent pattern-based trajectory spatial-temporal compression on road networks”, 20th International Conf. on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2019), pp.605-610, 2019.

40. Ying Zhang, Zhaotong Li, Qinpei Zhao, Hongfei Fan, Weixiong Rao and Jessie Chen. “A beautiful image or not: a comparative study on classical machine learning and deep learning.” ICCIP '18 (2018).

41. Qinpei Zhao, Yinjia Zhang, Yang Shi and Jiangfeng Li, Analyzing and Visualizing Anomalies and Events in Time Series of Network Traffic, 15th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, pp. 15-25, 2020.

42. Zhenyu Liao, Yikun Xian, Xiao Yang, Qinpei Zhao, Chenxi Zhang and Jiangfeng Li, TSCSet: A crowdsourced time-sync comment dataset for exploration of user experience improvement, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI, p 641-652, March 5, 2018.

43. Yang Shi, Shupei Wang, Qinpei Zhao and Jiangfeng Li, A Hybrid Approach of HTTP Anomaly Detection, In: Song S., Renz M., Moon YS. (eds) Web and Big Data. APWeb-WAIM 2017, LNCS 10612, p 128-37, 2017.

44. Mingyue Xie, Qinpei Zhao, TaxiCluster: a visualization platform on clustering algorithms for taxi trajectories, Workshop on APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on web and big data, 2017.

45. S. Liu, Q. Zhao, J. Li, W. Rao. Graph Summarization Based on Attribute-Connected Network. In: Song S., Renz M., Moon YS. (eds) Web and Big Data. APWeb-WAIM 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10612. Springer.

46. P. Yuan, Q. Zhao, W. Rao, M. Yuan, J. Zeng, Searching k-Nearest Neighbor Trajectories on Road Networks. Databases Theory and Applications. 28th Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2017. Proceedings: LNCS 10538, p 85-97, 2017.

47. Y. Zhong, Q. Zhao, and W. Rao, ”Predicting stock market indexes with world news”. 2017 4th International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), p 1535-40, 2017.

48. 廖山河, 赵钦佩, 李江峰, et al. 基于电信数据的室外定位技术研究,计算机工程与科学, 2018, (04): 649-659.

49. 洪庆, 王思尧, 赵钦佩, et al. 基于弹幕情感分析和聚类算法的视频用户群体分类,计算机工程与科学, 2018, (06): 1125-1139.

50. Qinpei Zhao, Zhenyu Liao, Jiangfeng Li, Yang Shi and Qirong Tang, A split smart swap clustering for clutter problem in web mapping system, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), p 439-43, 2016.

51. Qinpei Zhao, Zhenyu Liao, Jiangfeng Li and Yang Shi, A Comparative Study on EM Algorithms for Color-Texture Image Segmentation, 7th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT'16), July 2016.

52. Jiangfeng Li, Zhenyu Liao, Zehong Zhou, Jian Xu, Qinpei Zhao and Chenxi Zhang, A potentiall field based framework for publish/subscribe service in P2P cloud, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems - ICPADS, p 168-175, January 18, 2017.

53. Mei Niu, Qinpei Zhao and Hongyu Li, “Comparison of EM-based algorithms and image segmentation evaluation”, 10th Int. Conf. on Intelligence Computing, 76-86, 2014.

54. Jun Zhou, Qinpei Zhao and Hongyu Li, “Integrating time stamps into discovering the places of interest”, 10th Int. Conf. on Intelligence Computing, 571-580, 2014.

55. Qin Liu, Jingxiao Zhang, Jiakai Xiao, Hongming Zhu and Qinpei Zhao, “A supervised feature selection algorithm through minimum spanning tree clustering”, 26th IEEE Int. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 264-271, 2014.

56. Qinpei Zhao, Mohammod Rezaei, Hao Chen and Pasi Franti, “Keyword clustering for automatic categorization”, 21th IEEE Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, 2845-2848, 2012.

57. Qinpei Zhao, Ville Hautamaki and Ismo Karkkaninen, “Random swap EM algorithm for finite mixture models in image segmentation”, 16th IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 2397-2400, 2009.

58. Qinpei Zhao, Mantao Xu and Pasi Franti, “Sum-of-squares based cluster validity index and significance analysis”, 9th Int. Conf. on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 313-322, 2009.

59. Qinpei Zhao, Mantao Xu and Pasi Franti, “Knee point detection on Bayesian Information Criterion”, 20th IEEE Int. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 431-438, 2008.

60. Qinpei Zhao, Ville Hautamaki and Pasi Franti, “Knee point detection in BIC for detecting the number of clusters”, 10th Int. Conf. on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 664-673, 2008.



1. 史扬、刘琴、穆斌、赵钦佩、韩景轩,前向安全的不可拆分数字签名方法,中国,

中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,CN201410407512.X, 2017.7.11

2. 史扬、刘琴、穆斌、赵钦佩、韩景轩,基于身份的不可拆分数字签名方法,中国,

中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,CN201410403433.1 201410403433.1

3. 赵钦佩;饶卫雄;史扬;李江峰,基于LZW算法的GPS轨迹数据的压缩方法,已授权(ZL 2018 1 0920643.6

4. 赵钦佩;饶卫雄;史扬;李江峰,一种基于弹幕数据分析的广告投放机制,已授权(ZL 2018 1 0882914.3

5. 赵钦佩;江慧;史扬;李江峰;饶卫雄,张尹嘉,一种基于ESP游戏的图片自动标注信息处理方法及装置,(2019-01-17CN201910043904.5

6. 赵钦佩,林程,张颖,郭朋朋,张尹嘉,江慧,基于微信小程序的食物图片美学分析标签数据收集系统(2019-03-04CN201910184266.9

7. 王从容,陈娟娟,石易琦,王悦,饶卫雄,赵钦佩,李江峰,蔡奕阳,基于纹理色彩混合式的食物图像分割方法、系统、介质及终端(专利号:20210197874.0

8. 王从容,王悦,石易琦,饶卫雄,赵钦佩,李江峰,竺金浩,基于强化学习的糖尿病患者血糖管理方法、系统、介质及终端(专利号:202110193477.6

1. 面向创新创业的软件项目管理模拟现实教学方法研究,校级,2013.9-2014.9 (第三)

2. C语言及面向对象程序设计双语课程建设,校级,2015.9-20179 (第二)

3. 2014年度上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程 课程建设,省部级,2014.5-2015.10 (第二)

4.  软件测试方法和技术实践(网易MOOC课程),2014.12-2016.12 (第二)

5.  同济大学教学改革研究和建设项目,2019.01-2020.12 (第一)

6.  2018年度同济大学在线课程建设,2018.01-2019.12 (第一)